Uniforms for all sections can be bought from the Scout Shop at Coopers Hill. Please mention 1st Ascot Scouts when buying uniforms, as we get a percentage of all uniform sales.
Details of uniforms and where badges should go are available on the Scout website.
Some second hand uniform is available, and we encourage members to share and re-use clothing where they can. Attaching badges by sewing them on really helps this!
The Scouts is a volunteer organisation, and survives through the contributions of its members. Fees are £35 per term, payable in cash or by direct bank transfer. We encourage all members to complete Gift Aid forms where possible, so that we can make the most of the money contributed to us.
Want to volunteer?
If you would like to know more about helping with, or leading one of our sections and the broad range of support available for Section Leaders through the UK Scout organisation, do let us know.
We are currently recruiting for parent representatives on the committee and leaders for our Beaver colony and Explorer unit.
We always welcome new committee members, too, to help with fund raising, keep tabs on our equipment, and tackle the myriad other tasks that keep the Group going!
Want to find out more about Scouting?
The following websites give more information about the Scout movement, and how it is organised and run in Berkshire.
Scout Association
Berkshire Scouts
South East Berkshire District Scouts